Teeth Implants recoveryIt is important to always know the recovery process for a dental procedure.

Before we continue it is essential to understand that there is no set time span for recovery. It can vary as per the age, condition of the teeth, surgery procedure and the overall health of the patient. Therefore, let us understand what affects the recovery time of teeth implants.

  • First up, it depends on the number of tooth Implant. A single tooth implant will heal faster than multiple or all-on-4 teeth implants. Hence, the time span of healing will increase with the number of teeth implants that are added with a surgery.
  • The bone grafting process will further add to the recovery time. Bone grafting is needed when the jawbones are weak. And our jawbones have to bear a lot of pressure when chewing. Hence, they need to be strong and robust. To acquire the bone that is needed, a dentist can cut it from your body. For instance, from the hip bone or they can also use artificial bone. However, they may acquire the extra bone, the healing time due to bone grafting increases substantially.


This happens when the implants that have been installed recently started becoming a natural part of your mouth. It is here that the process of recovery takes the most amount of time and this varies among patients. Plus factors like patient health can play a role in the recovery process. Learn more about full mouth dental implants cost.

Apart from understanding the nuances of recovery time, let us understand what the process is all about. See Same day dental implant cost.

Immediately after the surgery, you will be instructed to bite on a gauze pack on the area from where the teeth have been extracted. One gauze pack is enough for the first hour or so. If the bleeding does not stop, change the pack after regular time intervals.

Healing is a process that will take you through several stages. If you experience these symptoms, it means that you are healing.

  • Ongoing Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Oozing

In order to speed the recovery process, consider the following:

  • Do be childlike and check up on the teeth after every second. Give it some alone time to heal.
  • 24 hours after the surgery, make sure that you rinse the mouth at least 3 to 4 times, and that too with saltwater.
  • Taking rest is essential.
  • Applying an ice pack on the operated area will help attenuate it.

Getting a tooth implant is an efficient manner to get back that natural smile, but in order to retain it for your life, you need to be vigilant and careful. The daily brushing, flossing, visiting the dentist, and other such things will certainly help you a lot. The key takeout is that dental implants are better and more effective than dentures, consequently, they need better care too.