A toothache is a pain that develops in the tooth’s surrounding area when the nerve in the tooth’s root or another tooth becomes irritated. The majority of toothache symptoms point to dental or gum health issues. Dental and mouth conditions that will not go away on their own and require dental care are the root cause of severe toothaches.

What should you do if you have excruciating tooth pain?

You must see a dental urgent care facility. if the discomfort is severe or excessive. For the treatment of dental discomfort, pain management is required. Taking over-the-counter painkillers such aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen can ease minor discomfort. Benzocaine-based numbing gels are used to relieve excruciating pain. Your teeth can be numbed and cleaned using mouthwash. If there is severe discomfort, cover an ice pack with a cloth and put it on the injured side. Find a nearby emergency dentist if none of these remedies are effective.

Which of the most prevalent causes of tooth pain?

The most typical causes of tooth pain are as follows.

  • Tooth decay. When biting down, tooth decay or cavities produce mild to severe pain. If the dentist determines that tooth decay has contaminated the root of the tooth, Root Canal Therapy is performed.
  • Abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth is caused by an infection in the pulp chamber that has spread to the root tip or the surrounding area of the tooth. After a dental treatment, an abscess might form as an infection in the area around the Extracted Tooth.
  • Gum disease. Periodontal disease is caused by poor oral hygiene, which leads to plaque buildup, causing gums to bulge and create discomfort.
  • Trauma/Injury. A broken or knocked-out tooth immediately results in tooth pain.
  • Wisdom teeth. Not removing Wisdom Teeth when they are ready to come out leads to excruciating tooth pain.
  • Bruxism. Bad dental habits such as teeth grinding or bruxism can develop toothache associated with the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ).

What do different types of toothaches feel like?

Here are different types of toothaches and what they mean.

  • Dull, Persistent Ache. Dull, persistent ache is the most common type of toothache. The causes of Toothache can be due to an abscessed tooth, food stuck in the gums, or teeth grinding.
  • Sensitive Teeth. Teeth Sensitivity to hot and cold is a common problem and it is usually due to having a worn-down enamel. More painful sensitivity in teeth is due to exposed roots, worn fillings, tooth decay, and gum disease.
  • Sharp pain. Sharp or jabbing pain in the tooth is caused by enamel being broken or there is a cavity. Sharp pain in teeth often necessitates a visit to the dentist.
  • Severe, throbbing pain. A fractured tooth or periodontitis that has exposed the tooth’s root or nerves can produce severe, throbbing pain. For this type of discomfort, an emergency dentist is required, especially if it has become excruciating.

What are the signs of a toothache?

The major symptom of toothache is pain in the tooth and mouth, although the sort of pain can vary and manifest itself in the following ways.

  • Fever or headache
  • Sharp, throbbing, or constant pain
  • Tooth pain that occurs when pressure is applied
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Swelling, painful gums

How to Get Rid of Tooth Nerve Pain

Painkillers are the finest way to relieve tooth pain. If there is considerable swelling in the face and gums, or if there is a fever, a dental practitioner will prescribe antibiotics. To remove the harmful germs and plaque that have become trapped behind the gum line, a deep cleaning may be required. The form of treatment is determined by the source of the toothache.

When Should You Visit a Dentist If You Have Tooth Pain?

You need to see a dentist if Tooth pain persists  longer than 2 days. Dr. Amit Shah at Tustin Smiles is trained to help alleviate the pain and discover the root cause.

What exams or tests can be done for Toothache?

To diagnose toothache, a complete medical history and oral exam are required. Sometimes x-rays and panoramic x-rays of the teeth and jaws are required.