Many individuals choose not to address their overbite. Freddie Mercury, for example, chose to embrace his extreme overbite. Others treat this problem to enhance occlusion (dental) for aesthetic reasons. Others may need to address it to prevent consequences including jaw problems and tooth and gum damage.

What is an Overbite? | What Causes an Overbite? | Types of Overbite | What issues does Buck teeth cause? | Fixing Buck Teeth

What is an Overbite?

An overbite develops when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower teeth. Most individuals have a little overbite that doesn’t influence their biting or dental health.

Extreme cases might result in irreversible tooth damage and TMJ dysfunction. Severe buck teeth may also cause psychological disorders and poor self-esteem by altering face anatomy. Our dentist at Tustin Smiles can straighten teeth and fix an overbite.

What Causes Buck Teeth?

The reason is frequently inherited, although external stimuli might compel the teeth to shift.

Thumb Sucking

The pressure from sucking the finger might cause the permanent teeth to come in at an incorrect angle.


The same as thumb sucking, pacifier sucking might cause it. Using a pacifier increases the chance of malocclusion, according to the American Dental Association.


When the tongue pushes too far forward in the mouth, the teeth generally follow. This causes an open bite malocclusion and occasionally buck teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Many individuals grind their teeth unconsciously. Teeth grinding is fairly prevalent when sleeping. Bruxism commonly causes an overbite, causing significant jaw and head discomfort. Teeth grinding may cause early tooth enamel degradation, resulting in tooth decay. Teeth grinding may also be caused by alignment issues such as overbite, underbite or crossbite.

Missing or Impacted Teeth

Gap in teeth or crowding may affect the front teeth’s alignment. Leaking teeth cause the remaining teeth to move, harming your tooth.

Insufficient room for the teeth might create Bite Alignment difficulties.


Some individuals are born with an uneven jaw or a tiny upper or lower jaw. Because an overbite is inherited, you may have one if your parents or siblings do.

Tumors and cysts of the mouth or jaw

Mouth and jaw tumors and cysts may change the alignment of your teeth and the structure of your mouth and jaw. The jaw shifts forward because to continuous swelling or development in the soft tissue or bone in the upper region of the mouth. Know about straightened.

Chronic nail-biting and chewing of hard things like pens and pencils may induce overbite.

Types of Overbites

Vertical – when the upper teeth overlapping the lower teeth.

Horizontal – when the upper teeth overhang the lower teeth.

A patient may show indications of both vertical and horizontal overbite. It might be dental or skeletal. When teeth cause buck teeth, it called dental. A skeletal occurs when the jaw is affected.

What issues does Overbites can cause?

It may lead to tooth loss, crowding concerns and gum disease or periodontal disease if left untreated. To keep your mouth healthy, you need to take good care of it. Read about fix gap in teeth and hidden bracket braces

Fixing Buck Teeth/Treatment for Overbite

Generally, you will need orthodontic treatment since medicine alone cannot cure it. Because a child’s jaw is still developing, it is simpler to treat than an adult’s. Adults, on the other hand, will struggle as if they were untreated up until this age. Symptoms will be more severe.

In any situation, the doctor will evaluate and treat the region. These treatments might last up to two years.

Treatments your orthodontist (one of several medical specialties) may suggest:


  • Enlarging the space for permanent teeth.
  • Growth modification device to better position the jaw.
  • Dental Braces
  • Retainer (orthodontics)


  • Braces – the best method to correct this condition.
  • Tooth extraction – Your orthodontist may recommend this operation only if your situation is exceedingly severe.
  • Surgery – surgery is advised for skeletal-type issues.

Tustin Smiles can help treat your overbite and get you the smile you always wanted.

Don’t live with an overbite when you can fix it. Make an appointment now and find out how we can help you smile brighter and enjoy better dental health.