The Benefits of Metal Free Dentistry

Metal free dentistry is a form of dentistry that goes beyond the realm of traditional metal brackets and braces. Metal free dentistry provides a wealth of options for people who are uncomfortable with traditional braces and want to try something new. Metal free dentistry provides an option for people who want to be discreet, as well. Examples of metal free dentistry options are:

  • Porcelain veneers or crowns
  • Ceramic braces
  • Invisalign

The procedure for each of the metal free dentistry options is different. For example, our dentist glues porcelain veneers to the surface of the teeth. Veneers are thin materials that can cover up stains and hide slight crookedness in the teeth. Our dentist will apply ceramic braces in the same manner that they would apply metal brackets.

Invisalign is a completely different process from the other two processes. Our orthodontist has to make an impression of the teeth so that the lab can create enough plastic aligners for the course of treatment. The patient receives the aligners and replaces them every two weeks. That process continues for the duration of the treatment plan. Metal free dentistry provides a wealth of options over the traditional bracing method. Dental patients are selecting it as their number one option for teeth alignment restoration.

Types of Metal Free Crowns

Dental crowns have been used for years to preserve and cover severely damaged or broken teeth. However, it is only recently that metal free options have become available. Although some dentists still feel that porcelain fused to metal provides the most durable type of crown, concerns about metal leaching harmful materials into the body have sparked interest in metal free options.

The procedure for metal free crowning of teeth is similar to the traditional porcelain/metal fused crown.

  • Generally a two visit procedure
  • First visit involves prepping the affected tooth, removing decay, and placing a temporary crown
  • Second visit involves permanently cementing the new metal free crown

Beyond being a more healthful choice for your dental crown needs, metal free crowns are durable, and often more aesthetically pleasing than metal/porcelain crowns as there is no “black line” effect at the gumline.

Cost estimates are specific to your situation. Please contact us for your specific metal free crowns cost.

Metal Free Dentistry – FAQs

Many people choose to remove metal fillings and crowns because they are suspected in causing heavy metal toxicity. A standard metal free procedure involves removing all the metal fillings and crowns from your mouth and replacing them with composite or porcelain, tooth-colored fillings and crowns. We will discuss the best options for you.
Your Metal Free Therapy results depend on the health of your teeth and the extent to which you are diligent about taking care of your teeth at home. Metal free fillings and crowns last longer on healthier teeth with more bone and on those who brush, floss and get their teeth cleaned regularly.