What Is a Root Canal?

In many cases, a tooth cavity or decay is cured by filling it with a metal or resin filling. In some cases, however, the tooth decay is so deep making it difficult to restore the teeth with fillings. In such cases, one of our dentists usually performs a root canal near Tustin.  Endondontic therapy is one of best type of treatment for abscessed teeth. Once a root canal has been performed, our general dentist may place a dental crown on the tooth. The California State Association of Endodontists states “Endodontists learn about new concepts in root canal treatment and the latest advances in techniques and instrumentation”.

Schedule an appointment with our dental office if you’re near Tustin, CA.

The Root Canal Procedure

Early signs may not be enough to have a clear diagnosis. Therefore, additional tests are required. The dentist needs to take an exam in order to get a better understanding of the patients oral health. The exam will help determine the condition of the infected tooth. Through these exams and X-rays the doctor will be also be able to know which root is the infected one and its orientation.

A root canal procedure starts with the administration of a local anesthetic to numb the teeth and gums. Then our dentist isolates the teeth with a rubber dam, which refers to a piece of latex stretched over a U-shaped frame. The rubber dam features a hole that allows the dentist to work on the teeth. The main functions of the rubber dam are to protect the tooth from saliva contamination and prevent the patient from swallowing the instruments used in the root canal procedure.

Look for a skilled endodontist nearby Tustin.

Our dentist near Tustin CA will then drill a small hole in the biting surface of the tooth and uses small titanium or steel files to remove nerve tissues from the tooth. Once the tissues are out, our dentist then uses slightly bigger files to widen the canal. Finally, our dentist fills the canal with a synthetic material known as gutta percha and places temporary fillings in the original holes that were drilled.

Find more about Root Canal Cost near me.

Benefits of Root Canals

A root canal procedure eliminates pain in the teeth and gives abscessed bones and teeth a chance to heal. If your teeth were sensitive to sweet, hot or cold foods, it will no longer be sensitive after the root canal. A root canal procedure involves the removal of inflamed nerve tissues in the teeth. Once the nerve tissues are removed, the teeth can no longer transmit feelings of hot, cold, and sweet.

A common misconception held by many people is that a root canal is very painful. The truth is patients are usually given enough anesthesia to keep them comfortable throughout the procedure. Once the procedure is over, the anesthesia wears off and the patient may experience soreness for a few days especially when biting food.

Some patients also believe that root canal is actually oral surgery. The truth is during root canal, the gums are not cut at all. The whole procedure is done through an access hole in the biting surface of the tooth. Give us a call and set up an appointment near Tustin.

Root Canal Aftercare 

You can use over-the-counter non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen if you start to feel pain. If you cannot take NSAID  or Aspirin, Tylenol can help too. If the pain or concerns continue, you can always visit our Endodontist Jo Philip D DDS for prescription medications.

Hygiene is very important to prevent any type of infection. There are other causes of pulp infection including a dental injury, chip in the tooth and repeated tooth restoration. Although, infections happening post op is rare, but if there is one you should take antibiotics so it can kill any infection. Make sure to make an appointment if you’re near Tustin.